Monday, November 23, 2015

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC)

Taylor' Graduate Capabilities is a holistic approach to soft and hard skills in preparation for the ever-challenging working environment. It emphasizes on 8 core elements, namely;

  • Specific Knowledge 
  • Digital Literacy 
  • Global Perspective
  • Intrapersonal Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Lifelong Learning
In accordance to the subject of Economics, we can apply these approaches in order to achieve one's true potential to compete with scholars alike abroad and locally. Specifically,

  1. One must be competent in one's field, such as economics, to maximize one's understanding of the fluctuating economy, and how one would be able to cushion events such as the inflation, in order to restore proper order and a stable economical status.
  2. One must be highly knowledgeable in the field of IT to track up to changes in the developing IT community, to obtain the best possible and efficient resources to solve a economical issue, or to properly configure new implementations, such as the recent upbringing of the GST programme, which will smoothen the process.
  3. One must be able to work well with others, to develop a common ground with others and to ensure that no misunderstandings would be conjured.
  4. Interpersonal skills are crucial as well, to make sure one's self is stable and able to assimilate with society well and have a better understanding of the world.
  5. The way we speak to others would be the most important part of Economics, as we need to present ourselves as a confident and assertive individual so that people will put forth trust and be able to respect us for being what we are.
  6. An analytical mind would be also be important, to ensure that one can process information on the go and on the fly, to be able to grasp new information as it comes.
  7. Lifelong learning, with being able to absorb knowledge as they come and continuously apply them in different scenarios to achieve the best possible solution to a specific problem.

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